
If you need an installation with full support, including all optional dependencies, you could use the following commands:

apt-get install python-setuptools xmount ewf-tools afflib-tools sleuthkit lvm2 mdadm cryptsetup
pip install imagemounter

Python packages

This package does not require other packages, though the termcolor package is recommended if you are using the imount command line utility with the --color argument.

If you wish to use pytsk3 support, you require python-dev and libtsk-dev. For compilation, the build-essential package from your distribution is also required. After that, you can easily install the pytsk3 package from PyPI (pip requires the --pre flag to allow installing the package).

Other dependencies

This package highly depends on other utilities to be present on your system. For a full installation, you require the following tools:

  • Mount tools
    • xmount
    • ewfmount, part of ewf-tools package, see note below
    • affuse, part of afflib-tools package
    • vmware-mount, part of VMware Workstation
  • Volume detection
    • mmls, part of sleuthkit package
    • pytsk3
  • Statistics, e.g. last mountpoint of volumes
    • fsstat, part of sleuthkit package
  • LVM volumes
    • lvm et al, all part of lvm2 package
  • RAID arrays
    • mdadm
  • LUKS volumes
    • cryptsetup

A basic installation contains at least one of the mount tools. Highly recommended is also fsstat, others are required for specific file system types.

ewfmount on Ubuntu 13.10

Due to a bug with ewf-tools in Ubuntu <=13.10, it may be that ewfmount is not properly provided. This bug has been resolved in Ubuntu 14.04. If you are using Ubuntu 13.10, you can install ewf-tools with ewfmount as follows:

  1. Download a recent build of ewf-tools from (choose your arch under ‘Builds’ and download all deb files under ‘Built files’)
  2. Execute sudo apt-get install libbfio1
  3. Execute sudo dpkg -i ewf-tools_* libewf2_*